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When the translation is provided submissions to the blog will be published in both English and Irish. Please send submissions to the webmaster address shown at the very top of the blog. Please visit us often. This blog is the companion of the Ottawa Comhaltas website:

Beidh poist a fhoilsiú i mBéarla agus i nGaeilge nuair is féidir. Tabhair cuairt orainn go minic. Is é seo an blag an compánach an láithreán gréasáin Comhaltas Ottawa:

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Sad tidings for Ottawa Irish Arts - Pádraig Scot

Patrick Joseph Scott (Pádraig Scot) 

Pat and Deidre

Those of you who knew Pat Scott were surely saddened to learn of his death, at 85, last Thursday after illness which took hold last year. He is now reunited with the love of his life, Deirdre Scott (née Mulrennan). He was born in county Kerry, Ireland on the 27 of January 1933 and died in Ottawa at the Elizabeth Bruyère Hospital on the 21 of February 2018. He will be missed by extended family members in Ireland, England, South Africa, and the United-States.

Pat was an influential founder and a fixture of the Irish community in Ottawa; he was instrumental in the creation of the Irish Society of Ottawa, Irish theatre and the Chair of Celtic Studies at the University of Ottawa.

He enjoyed attending the weekly Irish language classes and coming to the ceilis; and just last year we would help him up the stairs to the film festival. He liked to get out into the Irish community until at last he couldn't. He was a great reciter of stories and poems participating many years at the 
Oireachtas Gaeilge Cheanada in Tamworth, Ontario, winning awards for recitation several times. He also contributed to the Ottawa Irish Arts blog, here you can read his post

Well, we will miss him, as we already had when his presence became much less.

Pat at the 2015 Oireachtas, reciting in Irish

Pat in 2016

Pat at the Oireachtas in 2015, chatting with P. Willoughby

2014 at the Oireachtas

Pat receiving his gold medal at the Oireachtas Gaeilge Cheanada 
Pat also enjoyed Irish traditional dancing.
Pat and Carol Ann at the Tulip Ball

Pat and Sile
Pat was the father of the past Chair of Ottawa Irish Arts (Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Ottawa Branch) Sile Scott. 

Friends may pay respects at the Kelly Funeral Home, on Sunday (4 March) from 1 to 4 p.m. at  Walkley Chapel: 1255 Walkley Rd, Ottawa, ON K1V 6P9.

Funeral service will be held on Monday 5th of March at Holy Cross Church, 685 Walkley Rd, at 10:30 a.m. 

A celebration of his life will follow and be held at the Heart and Crown, 353 Preston St, following the service, from 12 to 3 p.m. 

In memory of both Pat and Deirdre, donations can be made to the Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County.

His obituary can be read here:

The Executive and all members of Ottawa Irish Arts extend their deepest sympathies to the Scott family and closest friends. 

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Irish Film Festival Ottawa, 23-25 March 2018

Ottawa Irish Arts is very proud to announce its sponsorship and wholehearted support of the 4th Annual Irish Film Festival Ottawa for 2018 as a Silver Screen Partner. The Festival takes place from Friday 23 March through to Sunday 25 March at the Arts Court, Daly Avenue, Ottawa. The Opening Gala takes place on the Friday evening.

IFFO celebrates Irish culture, language, humor and history through the modern medium of film, promoting Irish cinema and film-makers to audiences from across Canada.

Please plan on attending this fine festival, whether you have Irish roots, or are simply Irish-curious!

Craig Hamm
Chair, Ottawa Irish Arts
(Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann, Ottawa Branch)

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Céili Dance List and Schedule, 10 February 2018

Ottawa Irish Arts 
Elaíona Gaelacha Ottabha

Céili Dance List and Schedule, 10 February 2018

(Remember, you do not need to know how to dance nor need to have a dancing partner. Everyone is welcome!)

Click on a dance title for videos to see how it is danced.

7:00 - 7:30PM      Workshop
                               Join us in the first half hour of the evening for a short 
                               tutorial on steps, holds, and terminology that will have 
                               you dancing your way through the evening with  
                               confidence. Gay Gordon (March) to finish.

7:30 - 8:00PM       Aiofe's Three Step (March)

                             North Kerry (Set dance)
                                  Figure 1: Wheel and turn
                                  Figure 2: House and slide
                                  Figure 3: Slide and change
8:00 - 8:30PM       Entertainment and 1st Intermission
                             Ottawa Irish Arts Dance Class
                               Caitlin Crockard’s Monday night adult class will perform 
                               skilfully choreographed pieces during the intermission. 8:30 - 9:30PM        Haymaker's Jig (Jig)
                              North Kerry (Set dance)
                                  Figure 4: Wheel and turn
                                  Figure 5: Hornpipe body                                                    
9:30 - 10:00         2nd Intermission 
                             Join us for a cup of tea and freshly baked Irish Soda bread. 
                             Be sure to have your admission ticket handy for the Door 
                             Prize draw. There will be a 50/50 Draw.

10:00 - 10:30PM  Walls of Limerick (Reel) (dance instruction starts at 0:35 min) 

                            Clare Lancers (Set Dance)
                            Each figure starts with a two-handed lead around, 
                            turning the lady under to swing.
                            Each figure ends with a full around-the-house.
                                  Figure 1: Square the House
                                  Figure 2: House and Turn the Lady
                                  Figure 3: Big Wheels and Big Christmas Tree
                                  Figure 4: Small Wheels and Small Christmas Tree
                                  Figure 5: Long Chain and Line Ups

Note: As the final dance of the evening, the Clare Lancers will not be called. Given that this dance is not called and that all figures will, as it is traditional, be danced consecutively, more experienced dancers will be invited to form a set and show off their steps, but as always, all dancers are welcome to the floor.

Here are some helpful dance guidelines:Irish Set (and Ceili) Dance Etiquette
Check our dance page for more information on the dances called at our céilis.

Until next time / Go dtí an chéad uair eile!