Welcome to the blog of the Ottawa Irish Arts. We are a branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE). CCE is an international organization dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of traditional Irish music, dance, language and culture. The Ottawa Branch was founded in 1975.
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Welcome - Failte Romhat!
When the translation is provided submissions to the blog will be published in both English and Irish. Please send submissions to the webmaster address shown at the very top of the blog. Please visit us often. This blog is the companion of the Ottawa Comhaltas website: http://www.ottawacomhaltas.com/
Beidh poist a fhoilsiú i mBéarla agus i nGaeilge nuair is féidir. Tabhair cuairt orainn go minic. Is é seo an blag an compánach an láithreán gréasáin Comhaltas Ottawa: http://www.ottawacomhaltas.com/
Monday, 24 June 2013
Oireachtas Gaeilge Cheanada - N. America's Premier Irish Gaelic Festival
Oireachtas Gaeilge Cheanada is the only festival outside of Ireland featuring the performing arts of the Gaeltacht, and conducted through the medium of the Irish Language.
Dates: Friday 28 – Sunday 30 June 2013
Location: The North American Gaeltacht, Tamworth/Erinsville Ontario
Last Call for Accommodation at Festival Rate, Days Inn Kingston:
613 546-3661
Please book ahead for meals by responding to this email.
Special Features Friday Night
Guest Lecture: Ray Mánais (announcement attached)
Stage Play: Séans, Brian Ó Baoill a chum (announcement attached)
The Irish Language brings families together. Our Language. Our Future.
Is é Oireachtas Gaeilge Cheanada an t-aon fhéile amháin taobh amuigh d’Éirinn a thaispeánann taibh-ealaíona na Gaeltachta, trí meán na Gaeilge.
Dátaí: Dé hAoine 28 – Dé Domhnaigh 30 Meitheamh 2013
Láthair: Gaeltacht Thuaisceart an Oileáin Úir, Tamworth/Erinsville Ontairió
Deis dheireanach faoi choinne lóistín ag praghas speisialta na féile:
613 546-3661
Cuirígí freagra don teachtaireacht seo chun béilí a chur in áirithe, le bhur dtoil
Imeachtaí Spéisialta Oíche Aoine:
Aoichaint: Ray Mac Mánais (fógra faoi iamh)
Dráma: Séans, Brian Ó Baoill a chum (fógra faoi iamh)
Teannann an Ghaeilge teaghlaigh le chéile. Ár dTeanga. Ár dTodhchaí.
Monday, 17 June 2013
International Small Grants scheme -- Financial support for Irish Language Events
International Small Grants scheme July December 2013.
Glór na nGael has announced a funding/grant support scheme which will run with assistance from the Department of Foreign Afairs and Trade, for committees across the globe who have plans to promote the Irish language.Committees are invited to submit their plans for events which will take place between July 1st and December 31st 2013. Plans must include details on target groups, dates and estimated costs, and should be submitted to Glór na nGael, Ráth Chairn, Co na Mí by June 30th.
Any events being submitted for consideration must be language based. Among qualifying event there are intensive courses, lectures and debates, quizes, and play events for childrens through Irish. Writing and arts events, are also eleigible as are information and awareness talks through Irish. 'Cultural' events which are not through Irish do not qualify.
The grants are limited to €500 for any single group, and since the overall amount available is limited it is hoped that funding can be spread to more events costing less than to events costing more. Every application will be evaluated and a record will be kept of all entries, successful or otherwise and these will be entered in Global Gaeilge 2013. Applying for the scheme gives automatic entry to Global Gaeilge.
As part of the Global Gaeilge 2013 judging all successful groups will be re-assessed in January 2014 along with other entries for Global Gaeilge who did not receive a support grant. Application for entry in the support grant scheme is not a condition of entry in Global Gaeilge.
For more information contact Eoghan Mac Cormaic eoghan@glornangael.ie 00353 85 7187678
Scéim na nDeontas Idirnáisiúnta Iúil – Nollag 2013
Reachtáilfear scéim mhaoinithe/deontais i mbliana, le cúnamh na Roinne Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála, dírithe ar choistí ar fud an domhain, a bhfuil plean acu an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn.Tabharfar cuireadh do choistí plean imeachtí Gaeilge, don tréimhse 1 Iúil agus 31 Nollaig 2013, a bhfuil spriocanna, dátaí agus costais measta leo, a chur isteach chuig Glór an nGael roimh an 30 Meitheamh 2013.
Ní mór do na himeachtaí a bheith teanga bhunaithe. I measc na n-imeachtaí a bheidh incháilithe beidh dianchúrsaí, léachtaí agus díospóireachtaí, tráth na gceist trí Ghaeilge, imeachtaí súgartha agus spraoi trí Ghaeilge do pháistí, comórtais scríbhneoireachta nó ealaíne trí Ghaeilge, oícheanta feasachta agus eolais trí Ghaeilge agus imeachtaí eile mar iad. Beidh imeachtaí 'cultúrtha' nach imeachtaí Gaeilge iad, dí-cháilithe.
Beidh uasmhéid thacaíochta, €500, d'aon imeachta faoi scéim seo, ach ós rud gur ciste teoranta atá ann, bheifear ag súil le maoiniú a chur ar fáil do imeachtaí nach gcosnóidh an t-uasmhéid sin. Déanfar gach iarratas a mheasúnú, agus coinneofar taifead de gach iarratas, rathúil nó eile, mar iontráil i gcomórtas Global Gaeilge 2013. Is ionann iarratas a dhéanamh, agus clárú do chomórtas Global Gaeilge 2013.
Mar chuid de phróiseas moltóireachta Global Gaeilge 2013, déanfar na scéimeanna a mhaoineofar a scrúdú ina athuair le linn Mí Eanáir 2014 chomh maith le hiarratais eile a thiocfaidh isteach don chomórtas. Ní critéir do Global Gaeilge í, tacaíocht mhaoinithe scéime a lorg faoin scéim seo.
Eoghan Mac Cormaic eoghan@glornangael.ie 00353 85 7187678
Sunday, 9 June 2013
North America's Premier Irish Gaelic Festival: Oireachtas Gaeilge Cheanada - 28-30 June 2013
Oireachtas Gaeilge Cheanada is the only festival outside of Ireland featuring the performing arts of the Gaeltacht, and conducted through the medium of the Irish Language.
Dates: Friday 28 – Sunday 30 June 2013
Location: The North American Gaeltacht, Tamworth/Erinsville Ontario
Featuring Performances and Competitions in:
Instrumental Music
Special Guests/Gaeltacht Personalities:
Máirín Uí Chéide
Máirín Nic Dhonnchadha
Loretta Ní Churraighín
Mícheál Newell
Meaití Jó Shéamuis
Lábhras Sonaí Choilm Learaí
Ray Mac Manais
John P. Kelly
The Irish Language brings families together. Our Language. Our Future.
Is é Oireachtas Gaeilge Cheanada an t-aon fhéile amháin taobh amuigh d'Éirinn a thaispeánann taibh-ealaíona na Gaeltachta, trí meán na Gaeilge.
Dátaí: Dé hAoine 28 – Dé Domhnaigh 30 Meitheamh 2013
Láthair: Gaeltacht Thuaisceart an Oileáin Úir, Tamworth/Erinsville Ontairió
Le Taibhithe i:
Ceol Uirlise
Aíonna Speisialta / Pearsantachtaí Gaeltachta:
Máirín Uí Chéide
Máirín Nic Dhonnchadha
Loretta Ní Churraighín
Mícheál Newell
Meaití Jó Shéamuis
Lábhras Sonaí Choilm Learaí
Ray Mac Manais
John P. Kelly
Teannann an Ghaeilge teaghlaigh le chéile. Ár dTeanga. Ár dTodhchaí.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Second Annual Tulip Ball 2013
Next Saturday June 8th!
When: June 8th, 2013 at 8:00PM to 11:00PM
Where: At the Residence of the Irish Ambassador, 291 Park Road, Rockliffe, K1M 0E1.
Tickets: Student/Members $25, Adults $30.
Last year's even was sold out, so don't wait until the last minute to get your tickets!!
For more information contact Lisa at 613 620 7031.
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Until next time / Go dtí an chéad uair eile!