Under the auspices of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann, Ottawa Branch, Caint agus Comhrá (founded in 2010) is a flourishing group of speakers and learners of the Irish language. Caint agus Comhrá is self reliant and funds are raised through, book sales, raffles and workshops. These monies are used to bestow small subsidies and bursaries to help students attend Irish Days, La Gaeilge, two of which are held each year. Also a Irish Weekend held every September, at Galliee House in Arnprior.
We are very lucky to have great support from students and teachers from as far as New York to Montréal, Kingston and Brockville.
The group is lively and friendly and classes, held weekly for beginners to fluent speakers, are fun and exciting. Casual Caint is held weekly also in a local pub where the Craic is fierce altogether!
As far as teachers go, we have some of the best, Professors from the Universities and a language scholar, currently teaching at Ottawa University, directly from Ireland.
By Toni Forsythe
Faoi stiúir Chomhaltas Ceolteoirí Éireann, Ottawa, is grúpa díográiseach láidir é “Caint is Comhrá” (bhliain 2010) de chainteoirí agus d’fhoghlaimeoirí na Gaeilge. Is grúpa féinthuilleamaíoch é Caint is Comhrá agus bailítear cistí chun é a choinneáil ag imeacht trí dhíolachán leabhar, trí tharraingtí an phota óir agus trí cheardlanna. Is leis an airgead seo gur féidir leis an ngrúpa scolaireachtaí beaga a chur ar fáil do mhic léinn a bhfuil suim acu sa Ghaeilge, a chabhraíonn leo freastal ar ár “Lá Gaeilge”, a reachtálfar faoi dhó le linn na bliana. Ina theannta sin, bíonn “Deireadh Seachtaine lán-Ghaeilge” againn i dteach na Gailíle, Arnprior, gach Meán Fomhair.
Tá an t-ádh dearg linn go bhfuil líonra tacaíochta fairsing againn, ó dhaltaí agus ó mhúinteoirí araon, agus iad ag teacht chugainn chun tacú linn ó chian is ó chongar, ó Brockville, ó Mhontréal, agus ó Nua Eabhrac fiú.
Ní féidir a shéanadh ach gur grúpa bríomhar beosach cairdiúil muid, agus baintear taitneamh agus tairbhe as na ranganna seachtainiúla. Bailíonn muid le chéile sa theach tábhairne oíche amháin sa tseachtain chomh maith chun an Ghaeilge a chleachtadh, agus baintear sult as sin chomh maith, gan amhras.
Maidir leis na múinteoirí, tá na hOllaimh is fearr againn óna hollscoileanna áitiúla agus teagascóir Gaeilge atá tagtha ar chuairt againn díreach ó hÉirinn.
Bígí linn! Beatha teanga í a labhairt.
Le Toni Forsythe agus Eoin Ó Catháin
This is the companion piece of previously posted Caint agus Comhrá items: http://ottawacomhaltas.blogspot.ca/2012/11/caint-agus-comhra-talk-and-chat.html and http://ottawacomhaltas.blogspot.ca/2013/01/caint-is-comhra-links.html
Welcome to the blog of the Ottawa Irish Arts. We are a branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE). CCE is an international organization dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of traditional Irish music, dance, language and culture. The Ottawa Branch was founded in 1975.
CCE logo

Welcome - Failte Romhat!
When the translation is provided submissions to the blog will be published in both English and Irish. Please send submissions to the webmaster address shown at the very top of the blog. Please visit us often. This blog is the companion of the Ottawa Comhaltas website: http://www.ottawacomhaltas.com/
Beidh poist a fhoilsiú i mBéarla agus i nGaeilge nuair is féidir. Tabhair cuairt orainn go minic. Is é seo an blag an compánach an láithreán gréasáin Comhaltas Ottawa: http://www.ottawacomhaltas.com/
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Ottawa Branch Instrument Loans - an update and reminder
Good news! We have found people for borrowing our uilleann pipes, and our accordion! We are looking for a case for our accordion, a Hohner Marca Registrada single-row. It measures about 9.5 x 11.5 x 6 inches. While it's a longshot, if you have a spare case clutering up your space, please contact as soon as possible so we can discuss your sale or donation of said case to our Branch. Otherwise we will have to purchase a new case at a greater expense.
Yesterday the Branch's Irish flute (Casey Burns 'Folk Flute') became available once more. The flute would fit the hands of many teens and most adults. This is a keyless flute made of boxwood. It has recently been re-hemped and oiled and comes in a small, padded, hard case. Please let me know if you are interested in borrowing this fine flute.
The CCE Ottawa Branch currently has two 3/4-size fiddles available for loan. The fiddles are generally suitable for pre-teens, ages 9-12, though this is not a hard and fast rule. Suffice it to say they are too small for adults. Sadly we have had no interest shown in them. I find this somewhat remarkable since there is so much traditional fiddling in the Ottawa region. This is agreat chance for your child to try out fiddling.
For all instrument loans preference goes to current Ottawa Branch members, and then to people who join CCE in order to qualify for the loan. Borrowers are expected to line up a mentor or tutor/teacher in order to progress on the instrument. The normal loan period is for one year, with possible extensions depending upon demand. After a year with the instrument the borrower should determine if they can obtain their own instrument, abandon the effort (least desirable outcome), or renew the loan for a period (as above, if there is no demand for the instrument at that time).
Please contact me, Craig Hamm, if you are interested in the loan of a flute or fiddle. I can be contacted via the CCE Ottawa Branch website or directly if you already know me!
The instrument webpage is here.
Thank you,
Craig Hamm
Vice Chairperson/
Yesterday the Branch's Irish flute (Casey Burns 'Folk Flute') became available once more. The flute would fit the hands of many teens and most adults. This is a keyless flute made of boxwood. It has recently been re-hemped and oiled and comes in a small, padded, hard case. Please let me know if you are interested in borrowing this fine flute.
The CCE Ottawa Branch currently has two 3/4-size fiddles available for loan. The fiddles are generally suitable for pre-teens, ages 9-12, though this is not a hard and fast rule. Suffice it to say they are too small for adults. Sadly we have had no interest shown in them. I find this somewhat remarkable since there is so much traditional fiddling in the Ottawa region. This is agreat chance for your child to try out fiddling.
For all instrument loans preference goes to current Ottawa Branch members, and then to people who join CCE in order to qualify for the loan. Borrowers are expected to line up a mentor or tutor/teacher in order to progress on the instrument. The normal loan period is for one year, with possible extensions depending upon demand. After a year with the instrument the borrower should determine if they can obtain their own instrument, abandon the effort (least desirable outcome), or renew the loan for a period (as above, if there is no demand for the instrument at that time).
Please contact me, Craig Hamm, if you are interested in the loan of a flute or fiddle. I can be contacted via the CCE Ottawa Branch website or directly if you already know me!
The instrument webpage is here.
Thank you,
Craig Hamm
Vice Chairperson/
Monday, 18 February 2013
The Founding of the Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Ottawa Branch, 1975
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann came into being, in County Westmeath in Ireland. The reason flowed from concern, by some Irish traditional musicians, for the disappearance of Irish music. In 1951 a standing committee of Cumann Ceoltóirí Éireann, “Company of Irish Musicians” was established and morphed into Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann in the following year, 1952. Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann in translation means: “Society of Musicians of Ireland” and is normally referred to as “Comhaltas.”
It was created as Non-Political, Non-Sectarian organization open to all interested persons. Its aims are:
To promote traditional Irish music;
- To revive the playing of both the Harp and the Uilleann Pipes;
- To promote traditional Irish dancing; and,
- To promote the knowledge and the use of Irish language.
From the beginning, because of its nature, it gave traditional musicians an appreciative audience as traditional style was the standard employed. With respect to the organization of Comhaltas, the Branch is the most important unit. Since inauguration, Comhaltas has grown over 400 branches spread across four continents. At this time there are over 60 branches in North America.
In the declining days of 1974, two [Irish] musicians from Ottawa: Don Kavanagh and Leo Browne went to Montreal to attend a Comhaltas concert. The following year a Comhaltas concert was staged in the auditorium of the Ottawa Technical High School and the Ottawa Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Band was established.
Today the four aims of Comhaltas are being met by the Ottawa Branch:
1. The Branch has its own Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Céilí band and traditional musical instruments are made available to learners [CCE Ottawa Branch members] without charge;
2. The Branch currently owns two harps and one set of uilleann pipes. The harps are currently on loan to learners [check upcoming instruments news in the CCE website];
3. Traditional set, céilí, sean nós, and solo dancing are taught on a weekly basis; and,
4. Five different levels of Irish language classes are held on a weekly basis. The group, Caint is Comhrá, runs various Irish language events in the branch.
By Pat Scott
Bunaíodh Comhaltas Ceolteoirí Éireann san Iarmhí in Éirinn. Tháinig sé ar an saol mar gheall ar an mbuairt a bhí ar cheolteoirí traidisiúnta áirithe nach raibh ag éirí leis an gceol traidisiúnta i measc mhuintir na hÉireann. Sa bhliain 1951, bunaíodh Cumann Ceolteoirí Éireann agus fobraíodh de réir a chéile é seo go dtí go raibh “Comhaltas Ceolteoirí Éireann” mar atá aithne againn air, sa bhliain 1952.
Ba eagraíocht neamh-pholaitiúil, neamh-sheicteach í ón dtús agus cuireadh fáilte roimh chách dá raibh suim acu ann. Ba iad príomhaidhmeanna na heagraíochta ná:
- Ceol traidisiúnta na hÉireann a chur chun cinn
- Athbheochan na Cláirsí agus na bPíb Uilleann
- Damhsa traidisiúnta na hÉireann a chur chun cinn
- Eolas agus úsáid na Gaeilge a chothú.
Ón gcéad chéim, thug Comhaltas deis do cheolteoirí traidisiúnta lucht éisteachta buíoch a aimsiú, mar gur cleachtadh an stíl traidisiúnta. Maidir le heagrú Chomhaltas, is é an bráinse croílár na heagraíochta. Ó bhunaíodh é, scaipeadh Comhaltas ar fud an domhain, agus tá ceithre chéad bráinse de le fáil ar cheithre mhórthír. Faoi láthair, faightear 60 bráinse i Meiriceá Thuaidh amháin.
Ag deireadh 1974, chuaigh beirt cheolteoirí Éireannach, a bhí ag cur fúthú in Ottawa, go Montréal chun freastal ar cheolchoirm Chomhaltas. An bhliain ina diaidh sin, cuireadh ceolchoirm ar siúl i halla de Ottawa Technical High School agus tháinig grúpa ceoil Chomhaltas Ceolteoirí Éireann, Ottawa, le chéile don chéad uair.
Inniu, tá ceithre aidhm Chomhaltas á mbaint amach ag an mbráinse:
1. Tá grúpa ceoil dá gcuid féin ag an mbráinse acu, agus cuirtear uirlisí traidisiúnta na hÉireann ar fáil do bhaill Chomhaltas Ceolteoirí Éireann, gan praghas ar bith le híoc acu.
2. Tá dhá chláirseach agus píb uilleann ag an mbráinse. Faoi láthair, tá na cláirsigh ar iasacht ag baill an bhráinse. (Féach ar uirlisí ar fáil ar shuíomh idirlín Chomhaltas le tuilleadh eolais a fháil)
3. Múintear damhsa traidisiúnta, sean-nós, seit agus céilithe ó sheachtain go seachtain
4. Múintear an Ghaeilge do chúig rang, de chumas éagsúla. Cuireann an grúpa Gaeilge, Caint is Comhrá, ócáidí ar siúl le linn na bliana chun an teanga a cheiliúradh.
Le Pádraig Scot agus Eoin Ó Catháin
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society at January Céilí
Videos of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) Demonstration Team at the January céilí have been posted on the Branch webpage. This group always delights the céilí crowd with a different flavour of dance. After their main demonstration they taught the céilí goers some Scottish dances and a great deal of fun was had. To see them in action you could also check our YouTube Channel.
http://www.ottawacomhaltas.com/gallery.php (Note, this page will change over time, so you may not see the videos if you check in too late, check the Gallery Page often!)
And don't forget to check the What's New page for …. what's new! http://www.ottawacomhaltas.com/whats-new.php
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Caint is Comhrá - Links 2
The Caint is Comhrá group is very creative on their Irish language classes, for example this past Monday night’s intermediate class they used this article. It was published in The Irish Times - Wednesday, January 16, 2013, the original article "Tá iarrachtaí ar siúl ag Protastúnaigh a gcuid féin a dhéanamh den teanga," which loosely translate to "Protestants make an effort to create their own language."
Nath Cainte an Lae: (meán-rang)
Is mise an duine is sine/is óige sa chlann. / Tá mé i lár baill
I’m the eldest/the youngest in the family/ I am in the middle.
Nath Cainte an Lae ( ard-rang)
Réitim go maith le mo deartháireacha/deirfiúracha. Ó am go ham, bíonn muid in adharca a chéile.
I get on well with my brothers/sisters. From time to time, we’re at eachothers’ throats (literally: we lock horns)
Nath Cainte an Lae: (meán-rang)
Is mise an duine is sine/is óige sa chlann. / Tá mé i lár baill
I’m the eldest/the youngest in the family/ I am in the middle.
Nath Cainte an Lae ( ard-rang)
Réitim go maith le mo deartháireacha/deirfiúracha. Ó am go ham, bíonn muid in adharca a chéile.
I get on well with my brothers/sisters. From time to time, we’re at eachothers’ throats (literally: we lock horns)
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Until next time / Go dtí an chéad uair eile!